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Himalayan metamorphic CO2 degassing

This study focuses on the metamorphic decarbonation processes occurring during the Himalayan collision. We aim to clarify: abundance and types of CO2 source rocks; nature and rate of decarbonation reactions; nature and distribution of the CO2 escape-paths toward the Earth’s surface; chronology of metamorphic decarbonation processes at different structural levels and at different times; present-day CO2 degassing in tectonically active areas.

This study has been integrated within the PRIN2017 Project "Connect4Carbon": in this framework, we investigate the processes of carbon production, transfer, fixation and outgassing in the Himalayan belt, and we try to correlate the estimated carbon fluxes with those measured from springs and/or gaseous ground.

You can find additional information about this study on the FRidA site of UniTO (in Italian) at:

- Dal passato delle montagne. Il presente e il futuro del clima che cambia

- Himalaya ed effetto serra: la CO2 prodotta quando nascono le montagne



Papers published on this argument:

  1. Tamang S., Groppo C., Girault F., Perrier F., Rolfo F., 2024. J. Petrol., 65, egae021.

  2. Shi Q., He Y., Zhao Z., Rolfo F., Groppo C., et al., 2024. Geophys. Res. Lett., 51, e2023GL106802.

  3. Thapa S., Girault F., Deldicque D., Losno R., France-Lanord C., Groppo C., Rolfo F., Tamang S. et al., 2023. Chem. Geol., 623, 121378.

  4. Groppo C., Rolfo F., Frezzotti M.L., 2022. Comm. Earth & Environ., 3, 13.

  5. Groppo C., Rapa G., Frezzotti M.L., Rolfo F., 2021. J. metam. Geol., 39, 181-207.

  6. Girault F., Adhikari L.B., France-Lanord C., Agrinier P., Koirala B., Bhattarai M., Mahat S., Groppo C., Rolfo F., Bollinger L., Perrier F., 2018. Nature Communications, 9, 2956

  7. Rapa G. Groppo C., Rolfo F., Petrelli M., Mosca P. Perugini D.,2017. Lithos, 292–293, 364–378

  8. Groppo C., Rolfo F., Castelli D., Mosca P. 2017. J. Petrol. 58, 53-83.

  9. Rolfo F., Groppo C., Mosca P., 2017. It. J.Geosci., 136, 28-38.

  10. Rolfo F., Groppo C., Mosca P., Ferrando S., Costa E. & Kaphle K.P., 2015. In: Lollino G. et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, 1, 21-25. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.

  11. Costa E., Destefanis E., Groppo C., Mosca P., Kaphle K.P. & Rolfo F., 2015. In: Lollino G. et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, 1, 99-104. Springer International Publishing Switzerland

  12. Groppo C., Rolfo F., Castelli D. & Connolly J.A.D., 2013. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 166, 1655–1675

© 2015 by Chiara Groppo. Created with


Updated: December 30, 2024

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