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Asbestos and other fibrous minerals

Identification and characterization of fibrous minerals, with particular attention to the development of new analytical techniques for the identification of asbestos minerals in rocks and soils.

In collaboration with the Interdepartmental Centre “G. Scansetti” for Studies on Asbestos and Other Toxic Particulates (University of Torino).


Papers published on this argument:

  1. Di Pierro S., Groppo C., Compagnoni R., Capitani G., Mellini M., 2019. Fe-rich antigorite: a rock-forming mineral from low-temperature/high-pressure meta-ophicarbonates. Eur.J.Mineral., 31,775-784.

  2. Groppo C., Compagnoni R., 2007. Per. Mineral. 76, 169-181.

  3. Groppo C., Compagnoni R., 2007. Per. Mineral. 76, 127-153.

  4. Groppo C., Rinaudo C., Cairo S., Gastaldi D., Compagnoni R., 2006. Eur.J.Mineral. 18, 319-329.

  5. Compagnoni R., Groppo, C., 2006. Rend. Soc. Geol. It. 3, 21-28.

  6. Groppo C., Tomatis M., Turci F., Gazzano E., Ghigo D., Compagnoni R., Fubini B., 2005. J.Toxic.Environ.Health 68, 1-19.

© 2015 by Chiara Groppo. Created with


Updated: December 30, 2024

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